Accelerator Report: Full house in the LHC
On 11 May, four days before the original schedule had set a target of 1200 bunches per beam, the LHC made its final intensity ramp-up step to 2400 bunches per beam
Accelerator Report: mostly on schedule, sometimes not…
The beam commissioning of the Antiproton Decelerator will start on 12 June, and the aim is to deliver antiprotons to the eagerly waiting AD-ELENA experiments on 30 June
Accelerator Report: Crescendo at the LHC following the first stable beams at 6.8 TeV
Another important milestone was achieved in the LHC beam commissioning: on 21 April, the LHC Engineer in Charge declared “stable beams” at 6.8 TeV, the first time in 2023
HiLumi News: Recovery of an HL-LHC niobium–tin magnet
The successful replacement of a coil in an HL-LHC niobium–tin quadrupole magnet by the US Accelerator Upgrade Project team has showcased this crucial technology’s flexibility and cost-effectiveness
Kicking off
Following the installation of kicker magnets that are more heat resistant and their successful tests during the SPS scrubbing run, the SPS is getting ready for High-Luminosity LHC operation.
A spring awakening: CERN’s accelerators gear up for 2023
Following the winter shutdown, the injectors and accelerators are preparing for the 2023 data-taking season