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Watch the renovation of CERN’s East Area

With the upgrade works now over, the experiments in the East Area are taking physics measurements again – time for a rewind


Work and civil engineering progress in the East area
The East Area is one of CERN's main experimental facilities (Image: CERN)

CERN’s East Area has hosted a variety of fixed-target experiments since the 1950s, using four beamlines from the Proton Synchrotron (PS).

Over the past two years, the experimental area – CERN’s second largest – has undergone a complete makeover. New instrumentation and beamline configuration have improved the precision of data collection, and new magnets and power convertors have drastically reduced the area’s energy consumption.

As the beams return to the accelerator complex, the East Area’s experiments are taking physics measurements again and the facility’s central role in the modern physics landscape has been restored.

Watch a time-lapse video condensing two years of the East Area renovations into two minutes below.

(Video: CERN)

This video is available on CDS.