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A summer of scientific encounters with CERN

This summer, CERN has organised several events for the population of the Greater Geneva area

Evénements publics été 2022
The 2022 CineGlobe film festival at CERN (Image: CERN)

July is not yet over, but summer 2022 has already seen a whole variety of local scientific events involving CERN – so it’s time for a round-up.

The events began at the end of June with the 11th edition of the CineGlobe international science-inspired film festival, around the theme “parallel worlds”.

CineGlobe 2022 braved unpredictable weather conditions to entertain festivalgoers with 52 short films from 17 countries, across four categories (fiction, documentary, youth and immersive). As well as the films, the five days were packed with a series of workshops, virtual reality experiences and masterclasses for the enjoyment of some 1400 visitors of all ages. You can see photos from the festival on the CineGlobe website.

The festival concluded on the evening of the 10th anniversary celebrations of the discovery of the Higgs boson, with an event attended by the CERN Director-General, Fabiola Gianotti. Three similar cinema and discussion evenings had already been held in the local area.

All the winning films can be viewed, free of charge, on the online platform online.cineglobe.ch, until 12 August 2022. Don’t miss out!

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The CERN stand at the 2022 edition of Nuit de la science (Image: CERN)

The following weekend, Nuit de la science gave CERN another opportunity to meet the public. The 13th edition of the event, which was organised by the Geneva History of Science Museum, offered curious visitors of all ages the chance to learn about science in a friendly, fun atmosphere.

CERN had a stand called “Rencontre avec l’invisible (Encounter the invisible), where a team of twenty volunteers ran a non-stop series of activities, two of which were on the tenth anniversary of the discovery of the Higgs boson.

Many thanks to all the CERN volunteers who helped run both these events and were exemplary ambassadors of the Organization!


Do you live in the Greater Geneva area? Would you like to take part in activities organised by CERN? Visit voisins.cern to find out about our upcoming events and what we offer to the local community.

Are you affiliated with CERN? Would you like to be a volunteer? Contact the CERN events team to find out about our upcoming calls for volunteers!