Change at the helm of the CMS collaboration
The new spokesperson, Patricia McBride, and two deputies, Wolfgang Adam and Lucia Silvestris, will represent the Collaboration for the next two years.
Exceptional ATLAS collaborators honoured at the 2022 Outstanding Achievement Awards
The ATLAS collaboration held its sixth Outstanding Achievement Awards ceremony at CERN on 23 June 2022
CMS 2021 Award and Thesis Award winners and 2022 Young Researchers Prize
The CMS collaboration is proud to have been successfully advancing knowledge, scientific research and technology for years, and all this would certainly not have been possible without the contribution of each of its members
LHCb 2022 PhD Thesis and Early-Career Scientist Awards
On 14 June, LHCb, which comprises over 1000 authors and 400 PhD students, announced the winners of the 2022 PhD Thesis and Early-Career Scientist Awards
AWAKE sows the seeds of controlled particle acceleration using plasma wakefields
The AWAKE collaboration has successfully seeded the self-modulation of a proton bunch, to control and stabilise plasma waves that can accelerate electrons with record gradients
The new LHCb VELO
The VELO (Vertex Locator), the most recent addition to LHCb, was successfully installed a few weeks before the start of Run 3
Detectors for a new era of ATLAS physics
The New Small Wheel system joins the ATLAS experiment after nearly a decade of design and construction
Flexible and accessible, the HiRadMat facility celebrates its tenth anniversary
Since its construction in 2011, HiRadMat has been a unique experimental facility for testing materials under beam impact
Bringing new life to ATLAS data
The updated version of the ATLAS analysis software will reprocess all ATLAS collision data from Run 2 over the coming months
The four LHC experiments are getting ready for pilot beams
After over two years of upgrades and maintenance works, the four main LHC experiments are finalising preparations to receive pilot beams