15 Aug/24
14:00 - 17:00 (Europe/Zurich)

Laboratory session for gaseous detector in particular for Micro Pattern Gas Detectors in the GDD laboratory.


154/R-001 at CERN

In 1988 a new family of gaseous detectors, so-called Micropattern Gas Detectors (MPGDs), started to be conceived, motivated by overcoming the localization and rate limits of wire-based detectors. Building on the rich history of gaseous detectors, MPGDs have enjoyed uninterrupted research and development since and are now an integral part of High Energy Physics experiments and beyond. Today the CMS muon system, the ATLAS New Small Wheel and the ALICE TPC are only some of the most recent examples in the ever-growing list of applications where this type of detector is used. Outside the realm of High Energy Physics experiments, domains such as (medical) imaging and dosimetry have also profited from the advancements of this technology.

Students will have the opportunity to work in the laboratory used by the EP-DT-DD Gas Detectors Development (GDD) team; a group created in the late sixties by Georges Charpak, inventor of the Multiwire Proportional Chamber, which resulted in the 1992 Nobel prices for Physics. During the laboratory session, the students will be introduced to the physics driving these devices and will operate actual MPGD prototypes used for various R&D purposes. 


Requirement: all participating students are required to both carry a dosimeter and have successfully completed the Radiation Protection - Supervised Area course on CERN's learning hub. Access to the dosimeter can easily be achieved following the steps outlined here:


To participate in this workshop you need to attend the introduction lecture on the 12th of August 2023 from 2pm until 4pm. If you cannot attend this introduction lecture as well please do not subscribe for this workshop