Welcome to the 8th Asian Tier Center Forum
In this event we aim to strengthen the collaborations mainly among the Asian countries which are members of the LHC experiments. Additionally, it also encompases the participants from other international high energy physics experiments dealing with big data, where the Asian countries are participating like, the BELLE , BELLE2 , DUNE, IceCube etc. This meeting will also provide a scope to discuss the computing issues for the coming decade and address the preparatory measures to be taken to facilitate analyses in the best possible way.
About ATCF8:
The objectives of this forum is to share experiences for the improvement of networking connectivity among Asia sites and consolidation of computing infrastucture for the LHC experiments among the Asian Tier sites. During the 3 day meeting, the important focus areas will be, overview of the computing challenges in the coming decade, status of computing for the experiment, reports from the Asian sites, wide area networking, LHCONE and different NRENs, technology update and HTCondor tutorials etc. This meeting will also include interaction with experts with latest updates on different Grid computing technologies like Middleware, HTCondor, storage technologies etc..